ISSN: 2277-260X 

International Journal of Higher Education and Research

Since 2012

(Publisher : New Media Srijan Sansar Global Foundation) 



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Functional Skills in Language and Literature by Abnish Singh Chauhan

Chauhan. Abnish Singh. Functional Skills in English Language and Literature. Ayodhya: Bhavadiya Prakashan, 2007. Pp. 210. Rs. 95/-


functional-skillsReviewed by Devina Badhwar 


A job seeker must have reasonable information of English language and the capacity to learn the present course of study and handle the future occupations in the job markets. Hence, the book, Functional Skills in Language and Literature effectively teaches the teacher and the taught, particularly of Hindi medium, how to comprehend English language (and literature as well) as simply the most widely recognized and successful mode of self-articulation in all circles of human life– individual, social and professional and how to achieve goal through the communication building. The book is designed in such a manner as to help the perusers to procure capability– both in spoken (oral) and written language and the student will most likely develop his understanding, improve his vocabulary, create linguistic capacity, upgrade composing aptitudes, compare with others and improve abilities to communicate in English.


The book opens up with the title which includes Remedial English: Grammar and its Usage. Since English is the foreign language, the learner will require grammar as an instrument of learning communication. The detailed rules of grammar (along with Hindi translation) and exercises enable the student as well as the teacher to learn the intricacies of grammar. It also focuses on the essential topics like common errors, sentence formation, paragraph writing, précis writing, vocabulary building and use of dictionary. Alongside the notes, the author shares different convenient references that assist the learners in associating the learning with reality. The clear and simple tables and charts also help them in quick-learning with ease. Further, the author inculcates essential techniques of Rhetoric & Prosody, Practical Criticism, Essay Writing, Dialogue Writing and Editing along with short-answer-type-questions, which will strengthen the learner with the skills of close perusing of all these essential subjects. This book additionally covers exercise-based questions and section writing to assess the successful composition abilities of the learner for the competitive and recruitment examinations.


The book effectively presents enough study material to ace the basics of English language and literature. Since the book is set up for Hindi medium students of various colleges and universities, it meets its desired ends. Kudo!



devinaThe Reviewer:


Devina Badhwar (1993), a research scholar at Department of English, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, is working as an Assistant Professor in English at Baba Mastnath University, Rohtak, Haryana. She has a cookbook to her credit- The Great Indian Cookbook (2017), which was launched by Ram Bilas Sharma, the Education Minister of Haryana. She resides at Swarnsat, 29-L, Model Town, Rohtak and can also be contacted at               


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