ISSN: 2277-260X 

International Journal of Higher Education and Research

Since 2012

(Publisher : New Media Srijan Sansar Global Foundation) 



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Yuddha to Buddha: Roadmap of Indias Security

ashok-k-singhYuddha to Buddha: Roadmap of India's Security
Ashok Kumar Singh

ISBN 978-81-7977-617-9
Publisher: Prakash Book Depot, Bareilly
Price: Rs. 365.00
pp. : 194 + xiv
List of Contents:

Yuddha to Buddha
The Miracle that was India
Parameter’s of Security
Dynamics of Development & Chapter of Security
Valour, War, Peace & Civilization
Challenges in New World Order
Confidence Building Umbrella & Security Horizon
Indian Security & Strategic Milieu
The book is an attempt to look at the interface of security, spirituality and philosophy of war and peace in changing and challenging strategic milieu.


Post by Dr Abnish Singh Chauhan


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