ISSN: 2277-260X 

International Journal of Higher Education and Research

Since 2012

(Publisher : New Media Srijan Sansar Global Foundation) 



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REFLECTION - A University Newsletter

It's a matter of light and delight that REFLECTION (Jan-Nov 2017), a university newsletter, has been published in print and can also be viewed on the university website. 
I am highly grateful to Dr T R Paari Vendhar, Hon'ble Founder Chancellor and Mr Ravi Pachamoothoo, Hon'ble Chancellor for love and blessings. Also thankful to Dr P Prakash, Hon'ble VC and Dr Manish Bhalla, Registrar, SRM University, Delhi-NCR, Sonepat, Haryana for entrusting me the task of editing this newsletter. My sincere thanks to my friends and well-wishers for cooperation and motivation.
- Dr Abnish Singh Chauhan

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